Happy New Year

With every new year comes new challenges, traditions, and resolutions.

Jenny Krueger
3 min readDec 29, 2022
Image created by author using Canva.

With every new year comes new challenges, traditions, and resolutions. It’s a time to reflect on everything we have accomplished over the last twelve months.

A time to set goals for the coming year to improve our lives and ourselves. Hashtag, New Year, New You.

I always participate in the holiday tradition of setting goals I would like to achieve in the new year. However, I never accomplish them because I always forget to work on my goals.

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle is My Goal for 2023.

For 2023, I will dedicate myself to making this a year of creating a healthy lifestyle. As you all know, I’m immunocompromised, which means I’m chronically ill.

I also live with chronic pain.

I believe if I make positive changes in my life, I’ll be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle with the hopes that this transformation will improve my health and reduce my chronic pain.

January 1st Is Our Chance to Start Fresh.

January first is the beginning of starting over from all our mistakes and the pain we’ve felt this last year. It’s our chance to start the new…



Jenny Krueger

Lifestyle Writer | Chronic Pain Sufferer | Sepsis Survivor | Golden Girls Enthusiast, Las Vegas Fanatic & Horror Movie Lover. https://linktr.ee/jennybwriter