I Have a Confession to Make

I’m suffering from imposter syndrome, and it has nothing to do with writing.

Jenny Krueger
4 min readApr 13, 2022
fizkes | Shutterstock


April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to confess. Sadly, on my 22nd birthday, February 18th, 2010, I was sexually assaulted.

My confession is that I don’t feel like a genuine sexual assault victim or survivor. The reason is that I was not traditionally raped (penile-vagina intercourse); my assault is classified as an object rape.

Object rape means I was unlawfully penetrated by the guy’s hand or, in simpler terms, he fingered me without my consent.

For the first few years after my assault, I always considered myself a rape victim because what happened to me is defined as rape by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Yet, it wasn’t until several years ago that I started feeling imposter syndrome and feeling like I shouldn’t call myself a sexual assault survivor.

I Don’t Believe I’m Worthy of the Title.

No one wants to have the title of sexual assault survivor or victim of sexual abuse, yet I don’t believe I’m even worthy of calling myself a survivor. I don’t think I’m worthy of the title. I…



Jenny Krueger

Lifestyle Writer | Chronic Pain Sufferer | Sepsis Survivor | Golden Girls Enthusiast, Las Vegas Fanatic & Horror Movie Lover. https://linktr.ee/jennybwriter