I Have This Urge to Get People to Like Me
I blame it on my lack of friends as a child.
I didn’t have very many friends growing up. I know many people had a shortage of friends when they were young.
So, woe is me, woe, woe is me.
Research shows that not having many friends as a child can affect your self-esteem as an adult, and I believe that wholeheartedly.
When I was young, my parents let my siblings and me have a party at the end of sixth grade. The party celebrated the beginning of summer and the end of elementary school.
I was allowed to invite all my friends from school, and I was thrilled. My two older sisters had many friends show up to their parties which made me even more excited for mine.
Even though I didn’t have many friends, I decided to send out a ton of invitations to my classmates. Including the kids who weren’t nice to me throughout the years.
I even had a friend of mine give an invitation to my crush. Later that day, I found out that he tore up his invitation and threw it away.