Member-only story
Just Because You Have an Opinion Doesn’t Mean You Must Vocalize It to the World
You’re entitled to your opinions but don’t be a jerk about it.

People love to give other people unsolicited advice. They mainly love to tell strangers when they’re doing something wrong even though it’s only considered wrong to the outsider because it’s not something they would do.
They will go as far as to leave nasty abusive comments on someone’s article, story, or even through email to call out the writer of the story that supposedly triggered them.
Some will even take it to the extreme by telling the writer to kill themselves.
Why? Because the writer was brave enough to talk about a personal topic which the angry reader didn’t like.
Some People Think Others Want to Know Their Opinions on Everything.
If I wanted someone’s opinion, I would ask for it. I don’t accept random uncalled-for opinions on something the person giving their advice doesn’t know. And I believe that’s how most of us feel.
There’s one writer who gets hate mail after hate mail in her comments and through email that I am baffled beyond belief.