Ways To Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

It’s not easy, but it’s also not impossible

Jenny Krueger
6 min readJul 27, 2019

There are toxic people all around us. They can be our coworkers, friends, schoolmates, girlfriend, boyfriend, and there are even toxic people within our own family.

Anyone can be a toxic person; it doesn’t have to be a pure enemy. Someone who brings you down and makes you feel like you have no self-worth or is emotionally draining is a toxic person.

Yes, there is no denying that you can’t escape toxic people altogether. But there are ways you can eliminate the toxic people that are currently in your life and do your part in avoiding those type of people.

For the toxic people that are presently in your life, there is one thing you need to keep in mind. You can’t change these types of people.

They might say they can change, and you might think you could change them, but they can’t change. And you can’t change them.

Toxic people are motivated by the misery and suffering they can bring to other people. They thrive on the drama, which is why they are always starting fights with others.

They don’t like it when other people are happy or when someone is experiencing a happy moment like a wedding, becoming pregnant, or a birthday. They become angry and…



Jenny Krueger

Lifestyle Writer | Chronic Pain Sufferer | Sepsis Survivor | Golden Girls Enthusiast, Las Vegas Fanatic & Horror Movie Lover. https://linktr.ee/jennybwriter